Development Setup

The recommended development environment is Docker, but a Vagrant environment is also provided.

Cloning the repository

Both environments require you to:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Enter the cloned repository: cd 103P_2018_team51
  3. Copy the env-dist file to .env: cp env-dist .env


Ensure you’ve installed Docker Compose by following the instructions here:

Then, build the container with: docker-compose build.

Next, you’ll need to run the database migrations, to set up the database. To do this:

  1. Open a shell within the docker container: docker-compose run web sh
  2. Within the container, run: python3 migrate

Now, close the container shell with exit (or open a new terminal window) and run the container with: docker-compose up.

You should now be able to access the site at: http://localhost:8000

Stopping the container

To stop the running container, go to the terminal it’s running in and hit Ctrl + C. Docker will then gracefully bring the container down.

If the container is hanging, hit Ctrl + C again to kill it.

Updating the container

When pulling in new changes to the requirements.txt file from git, the container will need to be rebuilt.

To rebuild and bring the container up in one step run: docker-compose up --build.

Tips, tricks and oddities

Running Docker as root

If running docker-compose as root, as is recommended, then all files and directories created in the source directory within the container will be owned by root, and git will be unable to properly version control them. Run sudo chown -R $USER:$USER . outside the container to update their ownership to your user.


Download Vagrant and install it from here:

You’ll also need to install VirtualBox from here:

Bring the machine up with: vagrant up.

After the machine has finished booting, open a shell within it with: vagrant ssh.

Next, you’ll want to navigate to the directory holding the project’s source code with: cd /vagrant.

Here, run the database migrations to set up the database with python3 migrate, and bring the server up with gulp.

You should now be able to access the site at: http://localhost:8000

Stopping the machine

To stop the running machine:

  1. Kill the server with: Ctrl + C
  2. Exit from the machine’s shell with: exit
  3. Stop the machine with: vagrant halt

Updating the machine

When pulling in changes to the requirements.txt file from git, those new requirements will need to be installed in the machine.

Do this by running pip3 install -r requirements.txt from the /vagrant path within the machine.

Tips, tricks and oddities

Using Windows as a host

It seems that on Windows, the provisioning script isn’t run on every vagrant up. This will usually be apparent if running gulp produces an error about it not being installed. This can be resolved by running ./ from the /vagrant path within the machine, every time after you bring it up.

It also seems that the correct database configuration options aren’t set. Resolve this by updating your .env file to include:


Admin Interface

Create a superuser to access the admin interface at http://localhost:8000/admin.

Do this by running python3 createsuperuser within your development environment.

UPI stands for Unique Person Identifier, a unique id given to every member of UCL, set this to your own UPI (found on your UCL ID card) if you want to be able to log into the admin interface through UCL API OAuth.


The project makes use of UCL API OAuth for authentication.

Reverse Proxy

UCL API prohibits setting localhost as as callback URL, so you’ll need to set up a reverse proxy to access your local development server through a remote url.

One solution is localtunnel, which can be used by following the instructions here:

OAuth Credentials

Generate your credentials by following the instructions here: UCL API OAuth Credentials.

Then update your .env file to include the Client ID and Client Secret from the UCL API dashboard, for example:


Test you’ve setup your credentials correctly by attempting to log in by visiting /auth.

Google Maps API Key

Generate your credentials by following the instructions here: Google Maps API Key.

Then update your .env file to include the API key:
